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Truman Capote

yehk4-146677-02Go here for a brief discussion of the Harold Halma photo of Truman Capote that Hilton Las discusses in his essay “The Women.”

“The photo made a huge impression on many artists,” the blog post’s author, Alex Selwyn-Holmes, writes.” The 20-year-old Andy Warhol wrote fan letters to Capote, and when Warhol moved to New York in 1949, he made numerous attempts to meet Capote. His first New York one-man show was Fifteen Drawings Based on the Writings of Truman Capote (1952). In Paris, dying American prostitute, Denham Fouts (a literary muse and gay lover of European royals, writers and actors) sent a blank cheque to Truman Capote with only the word ‘come’ written on it after seeing the photo. Capote went to Fouts’ dark apartment on the Rue de Bac, and would later write a short-story, “Unspoiled Monsters,” based on Fouts’ life.”

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